Farrakhan: Disappointed in Obama

Fox Nation's byline, "Farrakhan rips Obama," was too good to pass up. 

Have we just witnessed a chink in the armor of the Black Liberation Movement?  Did Louis Farrakhan, the Lord of the Nation of Islam finally confess a sin? 

Let's review what Farrakhan's said:

"Clearly, we are in a dire condition... even though we in 2013 are celebrating a two-term black president -- the brother simply has not been able to repair the damage caused by centuries of racism [and] greed, which has now run this nation over a fiscal cliff."

I'm beginning to wonder about Fox. Farrakhan's statement wasn't a rip, it was a pander.

Poor Obama just can't seem to overcome the mountain of guilt and shame that is needed to remake [his] people into the second coming of the "Great Society."

Farrakhan's last sentence was priceless:

"... centuries of racism [and] greed, which has now run this nation over a fiscal cliff."

Ya gotta love the progressives!  The blame always rests with the enemy -- that would be us, the conservatives. 

We must digest these hallowed words of Farrakhan again so our noodles can catch up -- let me offer a candid response: 

Racism is packaged and sold by the progressives much like a commodity is traded on the Futures Market. It is promoted as a scourge on America and often derives its staying power in greed.  The commodity rises in value when the best promoters [like Farrakhan] are at play.  The political hacks that use racism to influence public emotions often see bigger turnouts at their elections.  Therefore, the problem appears to be unstoppable. 'Racism and greed' [at least as long as the progressives run the show] will forever be embedded in our fine nation.

Accept the obvious -- for the conservatives feeling a sliver of hope that Obama is losing favor with Farrakhan or the black folks, fear not!

"Blacks were the only race or ethnic group to show an increase in voter turnout in November [2012]." 

Whenever the the Democrats feel the slightest threat of losing their black voting base, out pops the racism card and a promise to spend more welfare money -- then, with renewed vigor, the race hustlers are good to go for another round.

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