Having Eugene Robinson call you 'nutty' is really 'nutty'

It would be a lot better if Eugene Robinson would focus on 'black on black" crime and the lousy unemployment rate in all of those black districts run by black Democrats.  Or maybe he could do a story about all of those Democrats who take money from the public teachers' union but don't send their children to public schools!

Unfortunately, Eugene Robinson would rather talk about Senator Cruz and how the GOP is "nutty":

"It's not your imagination. The Republican Party really does seem to have taken leave of its senses."

Maybe Eugene Robinson should get out of MSNBC and sit down with Democrats running for reelection in 2014.  He may find out that a lot of them are very concerned about ObamaCare. After all, it was Democrat Senator Baucus who warned us about a "train wreck".

Robinson would also be well served if he looked at some polling data. ObamaCare is not popular at all. 

Or maybe he should talk with business owners!

Even IRS workers would rather keep what they currently have!

Robinson then repeats the nonsense that the 1995 shutdown hurt the GOP. 

As I recall, the GOP kept the House and Senate in 1996.   And it was President Clinton who signed all of those GOP bills like "welfare reform".

Why did Michael Moore & 4 million liberals vote for Nader in 2000?  Because they were angry at the Clinton-Gore team for moving toward the GOP, from free trade agreements to GOP bills.

Eugene Robinson is "the nutty" one here!  

And so is the MSNBC outlet that people are not watching

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