Krugman's Lament

Paul Krugman laments but does not condemn the voting public for getting it wrong. We are, after all,  "... often misinformed, and politicians aren't reliably truthful." So it is at least not our fault when we get it all wrong. Get what wrong?

Well, Krugman wondered whether the public was clueless about whether "the deficit has gone up or down since January 2010." He got one of his pals, Hal Varian, to run a Google Consumer Survey on the question. And guess what? We got it wrong, "A majority of those who replied said the deficit has gone up, with more than 40 percent saying that it has gone up a lot. Only 12 percent answered correctly that it has gone down a lot." So, according to Krugman, under [in spite of?] Obama the deficit has gone down a lot since 2010.

The amount of the deficit in 2010 was 1.3 trillion. The amount of the deficit in 2011 was 1.3 trillion.

          Obama's 2011 deficit same as 2010: $1.3 trillion

That means big things must have happened in  2012, right?

          For fiscal year 2012 the federal budget deficit will total $1.1 trillion

Wow. Did we get that wrong. For Krugman the move from 1.3 trillion to 1.1 trillion is "down a lot."

Now maybe Krugman had the projected government deficit for 2013 in mind. That is projected to be .7 trillion.  But he didn't ask that did he? He didn't even ask if the deficit for 2012 is lower than the deficit in 2011. He just asked if the deficit has gone up or down.

But which is it Mr. Krugman? You've been telling us that deficits don't matter. If they don't matter why should we, the clueless misinformed, pay attention? But now you seem to be suggesting that a reduced deficit is a good thing and that you and the Obama administration should take credit for the reduced deficit in 2013 - forced sequestration, condemned by you and the Obama administration, had nothing to do with the 2013 drop in the deficit?

So if deficits go up it doesn't matter but if they go down it's a good thing? Well, count me among the clueless.


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