Power: UN has 'lost its way'

That lady has a gift for understatement.


U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power used her first public speech Saturday night to urge young activists to demand results and criticized the U.N. and red tape-mired bureaucracies that don't always prioritize progress.

Power told the Fourth Estate Leadership Summit at UCLA that ideology and entrenched methods sometimes get in the way of the work of the U.N., but praised those who get results and focus on problem-solving.

"Bureaucracies are built. Positions become entrenched. And while the United Nations has done tremendous good in the world, there are times when the organization has lost its way, when politics and ideology get in the way of impact," she said.

The remarks came during the closing ceremonies of the four-day conference for high school and college students created by advocacy group Invisible Children, a group that has brought international focus on the brutality of fugitive warlord Joseph Kony in Africa.

Last year, Invisible Children released a popular online video highlighting his army's crimes, depicting Kony to many who had never heard of him as a cruel warlord who is accused of using boys as fighters and girls as sex slaves.

Power praised the organization's success in distributing fliers teaching Kony's army to defect and building six radio stations that reach an area of more than 29,000 square miles.

Anyone who thinks the UN is good for anything except perhaps serving as a dumping ground for overfed, oversexed bureaucrats with massive expense accounts is kidding themselves. Saying that the organization has "lost its way" presupposes it was on any kind of sane path to begin with. It has always been a useless manifestation of the socialist ideal of the brotherhood of man that politicians have used for decades to hoodwink the voter into thinking the problems of the world can be dealt with fairly by anti-American, anti-Israeli, anti-Western fanatics.

Powers is a perfect fit for the job of UN Ambassador.

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