What Reggie Love Had to Say about the Obama Birth Certificate

See also: Reggie Love and the Birth Certificate by Jack Cashill

Former Obama "body man" Reggie Love spoke with interviewer Jim Newton during a lunch at UCLA's Luskin School of Public Affairs on July 18, 2013.  Highlights of this interview were briefly posted on YouTube Wednesday (August 13) before being removed because the audio embarrassingly noted that Love and Obama played 15 hands of spades during the bulk of the raid on the bin Laden compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

Love also commented on the release of Obama's long-form "birth certificate," as follows:

Love: I -- I remember when he found -- he finally found his birth certificate.

Newton: Mm-hm. (Laughter.)

Love: And --

Newton: It took a little too long, by the way. (More laughter.)

Love: Uh, hey, you know, you come from -- uh, your parents don't live together, they travel all over the world, documents get lost, there -- and -- and uh -- and so he wanted to -- he wanted to just like have, like, an impromptu press conference, just walk into the press briefing room in the White House and just like put it -- the birth certificate -- out on the podium, and everyone was like, that's a really bad idea! (Laughter.)

But he was like very gung-ho about doing it, because he was so irritated about it.

Clearly Love wasn't clued in on the forged LFBC scam.  Obama did not "find" his LFBC; he ordered two copies from Hawaii, which were delivered to the White House by his lawyer Judith Corley, with his full knowledge.  What Obama "found" was that the forgery that was cooked up looked so good to his untrained, inexpert (in document authentication) eyes that he was willing to show it to the entire White House press pool.

Cooler heads prevailed; this was a "really bad idea" because if all of the reporters had been able to inspect the LFBC forgery, the odds are good that one or more of them might have noted discrepancies -- like some of the "typed" characters being out of pitch, or the image of the date stamp or Alvin T. Onaka stamp having the sheen typical of a laser printout rather than the dullness and penetration into the paper of a genuine inked rubber stamp.

Instead, the release of the LFBC had to be carefully orchestrated -- presented to the press pool in the context of political talking points, and with only carefully manufactured black-and-white copies handed out.  Only one reporter, Savannah Guthrie, was allowed to view, touch, and photograph -- but not thoroughly inspect -- the paper forgery.

This is exactly the behavior you would expect when perpetrating a cover-up.  If Obama had actually shown up displaying the paper forgery, that is the kind of transparency you would expect if the LFBC were genuine -- but such an action would indeed have been very foolish to take while scamming the public.

Nick Chase is a retired but still very active technical writer, technical editor, computer programmer and stock market newsletter writer.  During his career he has produced documentation on computers, typewriters, typesetters, headline-makers and other pieces of equipment most people never heard of, and he has programmed typesetting equipment.  You can read more of his work on the American Thinker website and at contrariansview.org.

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