When the going gets tough, Obama goes golfing

While his underlings selflessly toil to determine whether or not all the Assad government of Syria used chemical weapons against its own people (as seen on TV), President Obama played a 5 hour round of golf Sunday, closing in on a presidential total of 150 rounds of golf in four and half years. Meanwhile, The Royal Navy is ready for strikes on Syria, should Obama decide that his red line is more than the empty threat it seems to be.

Golf is a great game for socializing, spending time outdoors in well-manicured surroundings, and relaxing. But it does require an inordinate amount of time, which is the reason that after playing the game in high school, I gave up on it. I don't think that I have ever in my adult life had a work situation that would permit me to indulge in regular games of golf. It eats up too much of an entire day when you count the time necessary to get to the course.

One of the biggest largely unwritten stories of the Obama administration is the actual amount of time the commander in chief spends at work, as opposed to watching sports on TV, filling out March Madness brackets, socializing with celebrities, and whateverthehell he was doing while the Benghazi consulate was under attack.

The work ethic of the Obama administration was highlighted when newly appointed UN Ambassador Samantha Power was absent as the UN Security Council debated what to do about Syria late last week. Less than 3 weeks into her new job, she took a "personal trip" to Ireland (her native country) with her husband, who had an important appearance at a Charlie Chaplin film festival. Ambassador Power, the self-styled "genocide chick" gives evidence that Obama's role modeling has had an effect further down the hierarchy. No wonder nobody seems to be able to determine whether all those dead and twitching children constitute the use of chemical weapons.

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