A Sad State of Affairs

Indeed it is when I find myself lending more credence to Vladimir Putin than I do this dithering, incompetent cowbird the Democrats put in our White House. One charge you most certainly cannot lay on the serving President of Russia is incompetence and our clueless Prez is about to learn that lesson first hand when he travels to Moscow this week for the G20 Summit. I wonder what lines the Vegas odds makers are laying on our permanent campaigner/dedicated duffer coming away from that conference with anything more than his tail, and, by extension, America's, between his legs. Think about that matchup: we send a former community organizer to lock eyeballs with a former KGB colonel. Good grief! Talk about bringing a knife to a gunfight! And it's a liberal-approved, school-safe, rubber knife at that.

Don't kid yourself that there aren't plans afoot in the Kremlin to take every advantage of Barack Obama's crumbling credibility and by now globally recognized ineptitude. Russians have long experience in how to deal with an inexpert opponent who foolishly ventures onto the thin ice. Worse, there is probably feverish  planning going on in world palaces and foreign ministries all round the world, from major allies to tinhorn despots, seeking ways to exploit the bumbling, fumbling disaster that is the Democrat foreign policy as expounded by Obama, Hillary and Kerry. It's enough to make you want to push your index finger right in the collective face of the Democrat power structure and scream, "See? See what you get when you sacrifice good governance of our country for pure political expediency?"

I'm almost to the point of wondering if we might not be wise to run John McCain again in 2016. Let Hillary landslide bury our own RINO bumbler and inherit the mess that Obama will most assuredly leave to whoever follows. Let Hillary deal with the crumbling economy, the disaster of Obamacare and America's third-rate diplomatic status compared to Russia and China on the world stage. Give Hillary four years to make things even worse with her own discredited socialist programs and then run a strong, conservative Republican in 2020 to set things right once again. It's the old "Give 'em enough rope..." ploy. And make no mistake, the Democrats with their unworkable socialist policies are committing a slow form of political suicide.

Let's just hope they don't kill our country in the process...

Thereby threatening Israel's existence.

And possibly plunging the planet into global war.

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