It's nude week at college

Imagine scraping together $45,612 for tuition and 11,620 for room and board for your child to go to Brown University this year. Why, an Ivy League degree must be worth it, right? Learning at the feet of renowned scholars, making lifelong friendships with ambitious and capable people, and developing social skills are supposed to make the financial sacrifices worthwhile.

Here is the reality, via Timothy Dionisopoulos of  Campus Reform:


Brown University is set to host a weeklong "nudity" event featuring nude student performances starting next Monday, Campus Reform has learned.

Brown University is set to host a nudity week featuring body painting, yoga, and cabaret.

The event, named "Nudity In the Upspace," is a weeklong program which is set to feature nude body painting, nude yoga, nude theater, and nude cabaret.

"Love being naked?" asks the event's official description. "Want to be naked more? Want to watch others perform naked? Want to step out of your comfort zone? Want to talk about nudity?"

The Facebook event page, also indicates that the six-day program will include a clothed event called "Stripping Privilege: Undressing the Isms" on Wednesday which will include discussion on "power, privilege, race, class, gender, ability, and other isms how they intersect with nudity, body image, nudity in relation to (de)sexuality, etc."


Things are not much better at Hamilton College. Katherine Timpf of Campus Reform reports:


A small, prestigious liberal arts school in New York is set to host and fund a workshop on orgasms for undergrads on Monday. 

Hamilton College will host an orgasm workshop on Monday.

The workshop, hosted by Hamilton College's Womyn's Center, will teach "everything from multiple orgasms to that mysterious G-spot," according to its official description, and is is open to male and female students.

"Whether you want to learn how to have your first orgasm, how to have better ones, or how to help your girlfriend, Maggie and Marshall cover it all," tauts the event description on the Womyn's Center's Facebook page.


In case you were wondering, Tuition and fees at Hamilton College are $46,0820 and room and board $11,710 for the 2012-14 academic year.


But things could be worse: your child might be a member of the Young Democrats at this school.


None of this is new, of course. Northwestern University, another elite school featured a live sex show for edification of 100 students two years ago.


Apparently, when it comes to tuition at elite colleges, P.T. Barnum was right: there's a sucker born every minute.


Barbarians and frauds have captured the commanding heights of higher education. It is taking far too long for the world to wake up.


Hat tip: Richard Baehr, Lauri Regan and MM.

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