Pro-Choicers Pray to Moloch

Taking a page out of the Barack Obama Progressive Prayer Book, an Iowa group of pro-choice proselytes exhibited a chilling level of delusion when they recently gathered to offer prayers to God in thanks for abortion.

By cherry-picking Scripture verses and then citing them out of context, Barack Obama has managed to convince the uninformed that one can profess the Christian faith while endorsing policies that go against the very doctrine the God of the Bible laid out for those who believe.

How does he do it? Well, every chance he gets, Obama perverts Scripture.  Take for instance the time he quoted a verse in Deuteronomy to justify the "moral imperative" of granting amnesty to illegal aliens.  Obama mentioned a passage in the Gospel of Luke to push his tax agenda, and even had to the gall to attempt to use Scripture to validate same-sex marriage.

By utilizing the Bible to support policies that are in fact diametrically opposed to God and His Word, Barack Obama has successfully furthered a brand of pseudo-Christianity that is openly antagonistic toward Biblical precepts while feigning Biblical reverence.

For example, Obama does not respect the rights of religious conscience for Christians under the Affordable Care Act; on multiple occasions, he has chosen to leave out the words "the Creator" when quoting from of the Declaration of Independence; he once ordered crucifixes to be covered during a speech he gave at Georgetown University; he is actively secularizing the military; and he supports policies that are generally hostile toward people of faith.  

The president is so caught up in phony religiosity that with a seemingly clear conscience, he actively promotes abortion policies that destroy "those who cannot speak for themselves" as he quotes Proverbs 31:8, which says "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves."

Now it seems as though Obama's charade of spirituality has recruited enthusiastic converts.

On hand for the Iowa prayer meeting were Democratic gubernatorial hopefuls Senator Jack Hatch and Representative Tyler Olsen, both of whom reverently bowed their heads, closed their eyes, and joined in as Des Moines high priestess of abortion rights Midge Slater took to the lectern to petition God to bless and protect the right to kill the unborn. 

With her voice reverberating as though she was speaking in a domed basilica, Midge thanked God for the doctors who kill children in the womb, entreated God for funding to pay for those murders, and referred to the decision to relegate an unborn child to the incinerator as "a blessing."

While officiating at the mini prayer service, Midge praised the Lord thusly:

We give thanks, oh Lord, for the doctors, both current and future, who provide quality abortion care. We pray for increased financial support for low-income women to access contraception, abortion and childcare.

The invocation continued:

Today, we pray for women in developing nations, that they may know the power of self-determination. May they have access to employment, education, birth control and abortion. Today we pray for the families who have chosen. May they know the blessing of choice.

Then, in a reference that would do pro-choice, mantilla-wearing, staunchly committed Catholic Nancy Pelosi proud, feminist Slater said, "We pray for women who have been made afraid by their paternalistic religion."

In other words, following the example of Reverend Barack Obama, founder of the First Church of Obamanation, Midge prayed for doctors who do the murdering, prayed for money to finance the murdering, and prayed for opportunities to advance access to murder in low-income neighborhoods and, ideally, worldwide. 

Leading the prayer group, Midge officially declared destroying the unborn a blessing, ergo a sacrament, and dismissed the paternalistic oppressor of the Bible that fosters fear and guilt in women who only seek to murder their children with a clear conscience. 

America's Scripture-quoting president would likely concur with Ms. Slater that what the "war on women" needs is a more empathetic God.  After all, America deserves a Deity who is fine with homosexuality and sexual immorality and who, like Moloch of the Old Testament, views modern day child sacrifice as an opportunity to ensure, if not a fruitful harvest, at least a more choice-filled life?

Taking a page out of the Barack Obama Progressive Prayer Book, an Iowa group of pro-choice proselytes exhibited a chilling level of delusion when they recently gathered to offer prayers to God in thanks for abortion. By cherry-picking Scripture verses and then citing them out of context, Barack Obama has managed to convince the uninformed that one can profess the Christian faith while endorsing policies that go against the very doctrine the God of the Bible laid out for those who believe. How does he do it? Well, every chance he gets, Obama perverts Scripture. Take for instance the time he quoted a verse in Deuteronomy to justify the "moral imperative" of granting amnesty to illegal aliens. Obama mentioned a passage in the Gospel of Luke to push his tax agenda, and even had to the gall to attempt to use Scripture to validate same-sex marriage. By utilizing the Bible to support policies that are in fact diametrically opposed to God and His Word, Barack Obama has successfully furthered a brand of pseudo-Christianity that is openly antagonistic toward Biblical precepts while feigning Biblical reverence. For example, Obama does not respect the rights of religious conscience for Christians under the Affordable Care Act; on multiple occasions, he has chosen to leave out the words "the Creator" when quoting from of the Declaration of Independence; he once ordered crucifixes to be covered during a speech he gave at Georgetown University; he is actively secularizing the military; and he supports policies that are generally hostile toward people of faith. The president is so caught up in phony religiosity that with a seemingly clear conscience, he actively promotes abortion policies that destroy "those who cannot speak for themselves" as he quotes Proverbs 31:8, which says "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves." Now it seems as though Obama's charade of spirituality has recruited enthusiastic converts. On hand for the Iowa prayer meeting were Democratic gubernatorial hopefuls Senator Jack Hatch and Representative Tyler Olsen, both of whom reverently bowed their heads, closed their eyes, and joined in as Des Moines high priestess of abortion rights Midge Slater took to the lectern to petition God to bless and protect the right to kill the unborn. With her voice reverberating as though she was speaking in a domed basilica, Midge thanked God for the doctors who kill children in the womb, entreated God for funding to pay for those murders, and referred to the decision to relegate an unborn child to the incinerator as "a blessing." While officiating at the mini prayer service, Midge praised the Lord thusly: We give thanks, oh Lord, for the doctors, both current and future, who provide quality abortion care. We pray for increased financial support for low-income women to access contraception, abortion and childcare. The invocation continued: Today, we pray for women in developing nations, that they may know the power of self-determination. May they have access to employment, education, birth control and abortion. Today we pray for the families who have chosen. May they know the blessing of choice. Then, in a reference that would do pro-choice, mantilla-wearing, staunchly committed Catholic Nancy Pelosi proud, feminist Slater said, "We pray for women who have been made afraid by their paternalistic religion." In other words, following the example of Reverend Barack Obama, founder of the First Church of Obamanation, Midge prayed for doctors who do the murdering, prayed for money to finance the murdering, and prayed for opportunities to advance access to murder in low-income neighborhoods and, ideally, worldwide. Leading the prayer group, Midge officially declared destroying the unborn a blessing, ergo a sacrament, and dismissed the paternalistic oppressor of the Bible that fosters fear and guilt in women who only seek to murder their children with a clear conscience. America's Scripture-quoting president would likely concur with Ms. Slater that what the "war on women" needs is a more empathetic God. After all, America deserves a Deity who is fine with homosexuality and sexual immorality and who, like Moloch of the Old Testament, views modern day child sacrifice as an opportunity to ensure, if not a fruitful harvest, at least a more choice-filled life.

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