Go Tell It On the Mountain

As the word of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report goes forth ex cathedra to make disciples of all nations, many will embrace it, some will even adore it.  Verses from the AR5 (Assessment Report #5) version of the IPCC climate bible will be quoted ad nauseam to win converts and to support sanctimonious government programs designed to limit the liberation of the masses.

Sadly, of all believers, it will be gullible Christians who arguably will be most culpable for the ensuing continued misery.

It's been estimated that more than a billion people still live in poverty.  Access to low-cost, abundant, readily-available, God-given natural resources would go a long way to alleviate this real-world crisis.  Yet, rather than having faith that God will sustain His environment so that the liberating word of Christ can go forth, Christians have put their trust in the U.N.'s "arm of the flesh."

The IPCC has been preaching for decades that human souls are guilty of raising temperatures worldwide.  Yet the IPCC's prophecy has not materialized.  Why not?  Because the high priests of climate science have too little faith. They trust in carbon dioxide, which comprises only 0.04% of the atmosphere, to perform miracles. 

The reason why the global temperature trend has been nearly level for more than 15 years now as paltry carbon dioxide increased is quite likely explainable by water's role in climate control.  It seems likely that God wisely assigned the role of climate regulator to water in all its phases and characteristics--water in the invisible vapor form, liquid form (oceans, rainfall, clouds), and ice form (glaciers, snow, clouds); water transport and distribution across the globe; and, the energy of conversion associated with water's phase changes.  Because of water's immense complexity, venerated climate models do a poor job properly simulating water's role in long-range global climate reality.  Yet so many of the faithful continue to trust in the power of man-made "carbon pollution" and continue to fret about "climate justice" nonsense.

Advice to Christians:  Go tell it on the mountain.  Preach the Word, both in season and out of season, for: 

    "While the earth remains,

    Seedtime and harvest,

    And cold and heat,

    And summer and winter,

    And day and night

    Shall not cease."  [Gen. 8:22, NASB]

Now, there's a long-term, global climate forecast you can really trust.

Anthony J. Sadar is a Certified Consulting Meteorologist, supporter of the Cornwall Alliance, and author of In Global Warming We Trust: A Heretic's Guide to Climate Science (Telescope Books).

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