It's Ted Cruz's Fault!

Texas Senator Ted Cruz is why ObamaCare is having 'glitches' a month after its $600 million rollout -- software any contractor could have designed for one million. The president explained that Apple also had glitches when OS7 was rolled out. He is correct and Apple fixed theirs in 24 hours. That's the difference between private and government enterprise.

Rep. Harry Waxman, D- CA, opened his remarks on the rollout of ObamaCare with this astounding statement, "The Affordable Health Care Act is a resounding success." We clarify what ObamaCare and an open market mean to the leftwing liberals orbiting not Planet Earth, but another planet.

Economics 101: competition results in lower prices. OPEC 'fixes' prices for each barrel of oil sold. Accordingly, you see today's prices at the pump. ObamaCare "fixes" prices at the exchanges. Automobile manufacturers enjoy no cartel, nor do panel TV manufacturers, and you have competing prices between competing brands working to dramatically drop prices for panel TVs for every brand.

ObamaCare's 5 million lines of code cannot be "fixed." They have to be rewritten in their entirety. ObamaCare cannot be 'fixed.' ObamaCare will cost dramatically more in 45 out of 50 states than its equivalent private insurance and will become a stranglehold on the economy, crushing the job market. 27 year olds will pay 168% more in some states. The workability of ObamaCare depends on the young to subsidize the old, and if the young do not sign up, ObamaCare will fall of its own weight. A 27-year old does not need health care and most young will not sign up to subsidize others who give them no equivalent value in return. Would you?

ObamaCare has been ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, in contrast to what the left asserts. Justice Roberts has cleverly allowed it to be called a tax. Under the Origination Clause of the U.S. Constitution, all revenue bills must originate not in the Senate; the Executive or the Supreme Court, but only in the House of Representatives. The House can, eventually, defund ObamaCare under its constitutional authority to save a nation that cannot afford a three-trillion dollar hit on the economy. That can be found in Economics 102 and Constitutional Law 101. ObamaCare is not constitutional for another reason:

There is no provision in the U.S. Constitution or the Bill of Rights granting government the authority to provide for health care. Health Care is not a right. A firearm in your pocket is.

Total lack of privacy. By signing up for ObamaCare the insured will surrender all rights to privacy -- it is written into law. Not true, say ObamaCare's Democrats, lying once again after parroting Obama's narrative that "You won't have to change your doctors; You can keep your plan; ObamaCare will cost $2500 less than your current plan." Meanwhile, not one Democrat has refuted what they had written into law.

CGI, the chief contractor for the software, testified that the program was "overwhelmed" because of overwhelming demand. It is clear to me that this overwhelming demand is Ted Cruz's fault. That the software didn't work is the Republican's fault. That ObamaCare will cost most Americans 40-80% more is the Republican's fault. That doctors who refuse to take ObamaCare patients are leaving wholesale is also Ted Cruz's fault. That hospitals are letting staff go wholesale is the Republican's fault. That the lack of competition will put the American People at the mercy of politicians who take kickbacks for supporting ObamaCare, resulting in steadily increasing profits for the insurance companies who wrote ObamaCare -- meaning guaranteed profits with no competition -- is the Republican's fault. That Warren Buffett made his wealth buying up insurance companies and Goldman Sachs too at pennies on the dollar (just before Obama bailed out Goldman Sachs) is Ted Cruz's fault. That GS has purchased insurance company stock wholesale when their prices hit rock bottom in 2009 and had quadrupled since is Ted Cruz's fault because Ted Cruz got all the profits, right?

Barack Obama, his advisors, and the Democrats who had passed ObamaCare, are the definition and very meaning of arrogance, greed, stupidity, and incompetence regarding both domestic and foreign policy. Mark my words: ObamaCare will not work a month from today, likely not six months hence.

Writing what I had just written is my fault.

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