Obama: Shutdown for thee, but not for me

It is now quite clear that President Obama is managing the shutdown of 17% of the government to inflict pain, while sparing himself and his family any discomfort. Although his media lickspittles will not publicize the worst abuses, social media offers us the chance to spread the word of his peculiar priorities.

Today, we learn that the Amber Alert website, which helps rescue kidnapped children, has been taken down "due to the lapse in federal funding."

Meanwhile, as Weasel Zippers points out,

Let's Move, Michelle Obama's pet project against childhood obesity had its site, letsmove.gov still up.

In a White House of skewed priorities, who in their right mind could possibly think that helping to save missing children was 'less essential"?

But then again, who in his right mind would deprive our troops overseas of their NFL football games, but keep the military gold course favored by the President open? Elizabeth Shields of Breitbart.com reports:

One of Obama's preferred golf courses, the course on Andrews Airforce Base remains open during the government shutdown.  The grocery stores on the base, where troops get discounted groceries for their families are, however, closed.  They will shop "at local stores that cost about 30 percent more, Lieutenant General Raymond Mason, the service's deputy chief of staff for logistics, said yesterday at a House hearing."

(image by Richard Terrell of Aftermath)

As Ed Lasky points out, anger and not goodwill towards men drives Obama. He has an empathy deficit.

Hat tip: Lauri Regan

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