The Basis for Bipartisan Agreement on Obamacare

Obama spoke in the Rose Garden Monday to tell us not to worry, because even if the federal Obamacare web site is down, we can still sign up by phone for a really high quality product. 

So let's summarize.  We spent half a billion dollars of taxpayer's money to build a web site that won't work.  That's OK, he tells us, because it was also half a billion dollars spent to build a web site we didn't even need. 

Why would this make us feel better?

Because, he tells us, thousands of former ACORN workers/identity thieves are standing by ready to take our personal information by phone, and then help us buy health insurance at higher rates and more costly deductibles than we already pay. 

We should also delight in knowing that, not only did the "Affordable" Care Act raise prices, it raises taxes to support a massive new government bureaucracy who will do things like build more non-functioning websites.  They'll also be given power to meddle with your doctor's practice.  Yep, people who weren't good enough to find work outside of government will soon be telling your doctor, who probably has more training, experience, and knowledge of your case history what they may and may not do to treat your pain.  

Fear not, for soon the website will be fully functioning and, like the ACORN identity thieves, will collect our personal information for God-knows-what purpose before permitting user access to content;  to sell a "high quality product" which is so good that our government has to threaten us with penalties and fines if we choose not to buy it; a high quality product so darn good that Obama's pals and cronies, including the labor unions that pushed for it, the Congress that passed it into law, and the government agencies assigned to enforce it, lined up for years begging for, and getting, waivers so they don't have to participate in it.

Incredibly, Obama and his Democrat supporters point to all this with button-popping pride as his "signature" achievement, the high point in his administration which he could never equal or surpass.    

Their boast reminds us of Benghazi, Fast and Furious, U6 unemployment rates above 14 percent for 5 years, 7 trillion dollars of debt, his attempt to arm Al Qaeda in Syria, his delivery of Egypt to the Muslim Brotherhood, Iran on the threshold of nuclear weapons, his betrayal of Israel, his insults to Great Britain, his bungling of the BP Gulf oil spill, his fleecing of the GM and Chrysler bondholders, the "Barry-cades" at the WWII national monument to bar access by the Octogenarian veterans it honors, his appointment of Communist and "truther" Van Jones as Jobs Czar, his attorney general's moronic attempt to try 911 terrorists in New York courts, his attorney general's refusal to complete the conviction of New Black Panthers' voter intimidation, Solyndra and his countless other "green jobs" failures, his Justice department spying on journalists, his NSA spying on everyone else, IRS suppression of the Tea Party, dismantling of NASA's mission and redirecting it toward "Muslim outreach", his leaking of Special Ops details that landed a helpful Pakistani doctor in prison and probably got numerous members of Seal Team 6 killed, his shameless and incompetent huckstering in Europe on behalf of his Chicago cronies' bid for the Olympics, and the rest of the litany of scandals too disgusting or too disheartening to list.  

Sadly, upon reflection we are forced to agree with Democrats.  The record proves that this really is Obama's finest moment and "signature achievement."  God help us, this great big steaming shovelful of Obamacare is, in fact, the best we should ever expect from this president.

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