The Predators Walk Among Us

When discussing whether or not people could actually keep their healthcare coverage under ObamaCare, Mark Hannah commented to Fox News' Megan Kelly that the health insurance plans we have from our employers or privately purchased, are "predatory" plans and pretty "crummy."

Be prepared for this to be the new agitprop line. It worked well when the left had to deflect attention away from the real causes of the Mortgage Meltdown -- remember "predatory lending" -- and it will be their way of telling us the coverage 85% of us could afford, were satisfied with prior to ObamaCare and received top medical treatment under, was really, actually, unbeknownst to us... predatory and crummy. And the more expensive plans under ObamaCare -- with higher premiums and outrageous deductibles we cannot even access -- are NOT crummy, because... they said so.

This was the opening salvo in the Obama Administration's new health insurance offensive. They are now targeting the very same insurance companies who cozied up to Obama and supported ObamaCare. Just as they took down the banks, mortgage and housing industries -- from which so many on the left personally profited at our expense -- they are going to make the health insurance industry the scapegoat for this bloody mess.

Mark my words, they will be cast as evil, one-percenter-capitalist predators, indiscriminately hoodwinking and gouging the American people -- and, don't forget, making obscene profits -- by selling them crummy policies. This is what happens when you make a pact with the Devil.

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