A Shot across Hillary's Bow

Recently I wrote about some of the consequences arising from the airing of the 60 Minutes piece of fiction on Benghazi that starred Lara Logan and Dylan Davies (AKA Morgan Jones.).  Since that was published, Lara Logan and producer Max McClellan have been placed on a leave of absence by CBS.

Among the political consequences were renewed calls for congressional hearings, and, as a result, the House Intelligence Committee recently heard classified testimony from five eye-witnesses to the events of 9/11/12.

Catherine Herridge, Chief Intelligence correspondent for FOX News Channel (FNC), appeared on Special Report, and showed part of her interview with Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-Ga.) regarding the testimony. 

In my piece I discussed the grave implications of the brief statements Mr. Westmoreland made to Ms. Herridge:

...based on testimony before the House Intelligence Committee, that when Tyrone Woods and his team arrived they found one agent in the closet of the consulate (sic) and others unarmed and "not kitted up" and there "hadn't been any shots fired from our side."

Those statements contradict earlier reporting and "official" accounts and mean that:

...absolutely nothing in earlier reporting and "official" accounts can be believed, perjury was committed before Congress, and, sadly, Admiral Mullen, co-author of State's ARB report, has been duped or is complicit in the lies.

Aaron Kline also picked up on these statements, and he vigorously argues, as I argued in the piece, that Mr. Westmoreland's revelations, if they are true, mean that most of the previous reporting on the event and all of the "official" accounts about the event are based on State Department "fabrications."

Furthermore, Mr. Kline and I believe that because Mr. Westmoreland's statements contradict earlier reporting and "official" accounts, they, hence, negate almost all of the previous reporting on the event and all of the "official" accounts.

In fact, we effectively argue: Falsus in Unum, Falsus in Omnibus -- False in one, false in all.

It is well worth a few minutes of your time to listen to the interpretation that he gave of Mr. Westmoreland's statements.   He said that he believes that the coming fallout arising from these, and upcoming, revelations will have a severe impact on Hillary's presidential aspirations.  His broadcast (cookies must be enabled, and pick up at the 57:00 mark) of November 24th on ABC may be found here by clicking on the program to the right of the black box.

I don't think Fox, the blogosphere, social media, and other fora will permit Hillary's hand-holders in the MSM to let the matter die.

And an additional reason that it will not die is that that sacred icon of the media and the left, 60 Minutes, is being destroyed as they watch, and this destruction cannot be ignored because this destruction must needs be very public by its very nature: CBS had to issue a weak and inadequate apology as did, on air, Ms. Logan; Simon & Schuster had to halt: "...publication and sale of The Embassy House: The Explosive Eyewitness Account of the Libyan Embassy Siege by the Solider Who Was There, by Sgt. Morgan Jones and Damien Lewis"; and Ms. Logan and her producer had to, apparently, fall on their swords

At 60 Minutes and elsewhere, they are the first to do so, but they surely will not be the last.

For amusement, readers may wish to tune into the latest blithering by Fred Burton, co-author of a book that claims to tell "The Untold "Story of the Attack in Benghazi."

Of such a book, I wrote that one would think that it:

...would factually tell that story.  Well, as is often said, "One would be wrong."  The book reads like a novel, and that may be because the authors, Fred Burton and Samuel M. Katz, in fact, admit (p. 117) that much of it is fiction....[t]he most egregious example of dreamt up doings is the saga (p. 125) of the intruders' toing-and-froing with fuel-filled canisters.  It is, in a word, laughable!

In the light of Mr. Westmoreland's statements, you will certainly enjoy listening to Mr. Burton's shovel dumping more earth on the book's grave here (at 18:35) in his recent conversation with John Batchelor.

The author is retired, his profile may be found on LinkedIn, and he may be argued with at bilschan@hotmail.com.

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