If You Like Your Religion You Can Keep It

We learn from an online dictionary of Islam that Islam accommodates all the Abrahamic religions:

Islam is the religion of all prophets. Muslims believe that all the prophets were sent to their respective peoples from God. They all had the same mission and message guiding people to the worshipping of One God. The three revealed monotheistic religions, Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, go back to the Prophet Abraham (PBUH).

Therefore, Christians and Jews hold a special place in Islam. They are called the People of the Book, since the original Torah and Gospel were also divinely revealed and they shared in the prophetic tradition. Islamic states have shown their religious minorities tolerance and respect and those communities flourished under Islamic rule. God says in the Qur'an [link]

It seems in practice, at least, that these encouraging words are modified by the Obama Principle: If you like your religion you can keep it [unless, of course, as it should be obvious to anyone of any intelligence, it is an inferior product]. It seems, moreover, that it hardly needs to be stated that all religions and in particular Christianity and Judaism are inferior products compared to Islam.

Here is a recent example of the Islamic principle that there is no compulsion in religion:

Habila Adamu comes from Yobe state in northern Nigeria, where gunmen came to his home on Nov. 28, 2012. They ordered him to step outside as his wife begged the gunmen not to harm him.

"They said she should go back, because they were here to do the work of Allah," Adamu said. "When I heard that, I knew that they were here to kill me."

"Then they asked me, 'Habila, are you ready to die as a Christian?' I told them, 'I am ready to die as a Christian.' For the second time, they asked me, 'Are you ready to die as a Christian?' and I told them, 'I am ready,' but before I closed my mouth, they have fired me through my nose and the bullet came out through the back."

Adamu said he fell to the ground as the gunmen stomped on his body, crying "Allahu Akbar" as his wife sobbed. When his wife realized he was alive and went to find help, she found the neighbors had been murdered. Adamu lay there for eight hours before he was able to get to a hospital. He held up photos of his bloody, swollen face after the attack for committee [House Foreign Relations] members to see. [link]

Just another example of the religion of peace, love and understanding at work - "doing the work of Allah."

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