The Four Wall Theory

Apathy, as defined in Webster's dictionary is described as a state of no concern; a non-caring attitude. I have come up with my own theory: I call it "four-wall complacency." In short: as long as what goes on in the world doesn't invade, affect, or alter the four little walls of protection and comfort of so many Americans; they simply don't care.

The travesty that killed four Americans in Benghazi is merely a footnote... yet if the cable provider drops "Dancing with the Stars," outrage ensues. The gunrunning of Fast and Furious is nothing more than a movie title... yet if the local bar stops hosting 2'fer nights, the patrons rebel. The targeting of conservative groups by the IRS is a page ten -- below the fold -- item... yet when Twitter goes offline for an hour, condemnation commences. When it is revealed that the NSA is monitoring billions of phone calls, emails, and social media exchanges, the outcry lasts for a day or two... but if Starbucks discontinues your favorite double espresso, twin shot mocha latte, all Hell breaks loose and a boycott begins.

A complacent society overlooks those actions that have no bearing on personal life. "It doesn't affect me" seems to be the mantra of so many. Only now are some beginning to realize the truth of the old adage that "all politics is local." Finally, after five years of command in control governing by Obama, folks are beginning to take notice. They haven't turned off Honey Boo Boo yet, but they did pause the show while they read that interesting little letter that arrived in the mail so soon after the Affordable Care Act became effective.

Those of us who don't rely on the CPI figures for inflationn know that our cost of living is increasing as our food costs rise; our fuel costs rise, and our taxes increase. For five years we have seen less and less money finding its way into our pockets. Now, with mandated insurance premiums that could be anywhere from 10% to 150% more than we were paying last month, just where is that money going to come from? Couple with that the fact that Americans are working less as employers cut weekly hours to avoid more of the ObamaCare mandates and you've got the makings of another recession.

Because the four walls of their castle have been pierced by that letter from their insurance company advising that they will no longer be covered effective December 31st, some are finally starting to see what conservatives have been screaming about for the past four years. Because so many are now seeing that their insurance plan (one that they were happy with) can no longer be theirs, they are now paying attention. These revelations are akin to a battering ram on the walls of their fortress. The lies that have been told to them are no longer in the realm of "it doesn't affect me". Lo and behold, this Act that they have ignored since 2009 actually does have a dramatic effect on their daily lives... who knew? Raise the drawbridge and man the towers!

Another year from now, it is estimated that 2/3rds of all working Americans will suffer changes to their insurance coverage/plan. 129,000,000 Americans whose walls will be penetrated only because a handful of folks believed they knew better and lied to prove it.

One day, those who have chosen to ignore the goings-on in Washington will realize that complacency is the means these clowns will use to usher in all-out dependency. 

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