What You Lose with NBC News

Via Newsbusters.org:

After going 72 hours without even mentioning ObamaCare on its air waves, NBC's continued refusal to cover the disastrous policy on Thursday's Nightly News or Friday's Today brought that total up to 96 hours. Amazingly, Friday's Today had the audacity to include two segments about Vice President Joe Biden buying lunch at a Washington D.C. sandwich shop rather provide any Obamacare updates.

Think about that, folks: here our nation is, embroiled in the biggest government-created domestic mess it has experienced in decades -- perhaps ever -- and one of the supposed top three broadcast network news shows in the country and its morning counterpart have not even mentioned the subject in 96 hours.  That's four full days.

Apparently the term news means something elitely different in New York City-Speak.  Worse, what can NBC's nationwide audience perceive as current news when the main issues of the day are being kept from them by the very folks they trust to provide it?  You simply could not find a more on-point application of the expression misplaced trust.

This is not just some legislative kerfuffle that NBC is ignoring; it is the largest, most comprehensive package of legislation since LBJ's War on Poverty, affecting a sixth of our still unrecovered economy.  And it's in big, big trouble -- so much so that it is in serious risk of repeal before it can crater the health insurance industry and bankrupt millions of Americans.  Yet NBC considers this historic liberal overreach not worthy of their broadcast time?

According to its broadcast figures, NBC devoted significant airtime to the Kennedy assassination this week.  Hours of adulation for the continuing canonization of a skirt-chasing, lionized liberal icon fifty years dead -- but no, not a minute available to cover the worst liberal legislative clusterfark in the same five decades.

Here's some advice for those of you who daily follow Brian and Matt: If you form your views from NBC News, you're a loser, in multiple meanings of the term.  Try FOX.

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