Democrat melts down on House floor over immigration

Democrat Rep. Jared Polis lost his cool on the House floor when reminded by acting speaker Rep. Jackie Walorski of the rule against pointing out people in the gallery during speeches.

The Hill has the story:

Democrats were calling for House passage of a comprehensive immigration bill, and Rep. Joe Garcia (D-Fla.) used his remarks to note supporters of such a bill that were sitting in the gallery.

When he was done, the presiding officer, Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-Ind.) issued the standard warning that members are not supposed to refer to people in the gallery. That's when Polis confronted Walorski.

"Madame Speaker, the gentle people in the gallery... would not have to be in the gallery... advocating if this House simply took up the bill," he began. "Do you think they want to be spending their time here, Madame Speaker? Is that what you think?"

"And you're saying we're addressing them, and that's what you're upset about Madame Speaker?" he continued, moving into a full scream. "I want you, Madame Speaker, to address the reason that they are here! They are here because our government is tearing apart their families, Madame Speaker!"

Walorski interrupted by saying all members are instructed not to address people in the gallery, but Polis shot back: "I want the Speaker to understand that the Speaker is obstructing H.R. 15 from coming to the floor!"

Here's the video. Note Polis advocating that the bill be brought to the floor to insure the "rule of law."

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