What the media isn't telling you about that ice-bound ship
Call the irony police. You've probably been hearing a lot about that "cruise ship" stuck in the ice off the coast of Antarctica, especially now that two icebreakers have been frustrated in their attempts to rescue the 74 occupants. But until this morning I hadn't heard this (via Doug Powers at Michelle Malkin.com):
Australian climate change professor Chris Turney, passengers and media hoping to get pictures penguins windsurfing where ice should be set out on an expedition to demonstrate the effects of global warming on Antarctica. The ship and all on board have now been trapped in ice for almost a week and counting. (snip)
Turney runs a company called Carbonscape that aims to "fix carbon from the atmosphere and make a host of green bi-products, helping reduce greenhouse gas levels." (snip)
Check out this statement: Even as they sit trapped in sea ice, the expedition continues to point out that climate change is causing a disappearance of sea ice.
Anthony Watts has video of Mawson landing in 1912 in ice free Commonwealth Bay - the same area the current "global warming" expedition sits helplessly trapped in ice. Lots of other interesting stuff at the link as well.