How much longer can President Obama claim that he 'didn't know'?

According to The NY Times, President Obama didn't know again:

"At the same time, aides said Mr. Obama was surprised to learn after leaks by Edward J. Snowden, the former National Security Agency contractor, just how far the surveillance had gone.

"Things seem to have grown at the N.S.A.," Mr. Plouffe said, citing specifically the tapping of foreign leaders' telephones. "I think it was disturbing to most people, and I think he found it disturbing.""

Sorry but this is incredible! 

I have to assume that President Obama was briefed about the full extent of these programs when he walked into the Oval Office. 

Furthermore, I have to assume that President Obama inquired about the programs and what exactly was the surveillance underway.

Something does not add up.  Either President Obama is not interested in the details of governing, such as the extent that surveillance was being done in his name, or, he is not telling the truth about rules that he approved.

Things just don't add up.


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