Poll shows pro-life sympathies of Americans

Americans may be ambivalent about legalized abortion, but most of them have no problem discerning its morality.

Washington Examiner:

new Knights of Columbus/Marist poll released Wednesday shows that more than six in 10 Americans believe that abortion is morally wrong.

Sixty-two percent of those polled believed that abortion is morally wrong, and only 36 percent found it morally acceptable. Two percent of Americans indicated that it was not a moral issue.

Fifty-three percent of respondents said they believe life begins at conception.

The poll shows that most Americans choose a more moderate position on abortion, but believe it should be restricted.

Support for restrictions on abortion includes 79 percent supporting a 24-hour waiting period, 58 percent supporting a woman receiving an ultrasound before her abortion and 80 percent supporting parental notification for underage patients.

Even respondents who identify themselves as strongly pro-choice indicated that they do not believe in unrestricted access to abortions.

Sixty-four percent of strongly pro-choice Americans agreed that a patient should wait 24 hours before an abortion and consult with professionals, 62 percent support parental notification and 68 percent believe doctors who perform abortions should be required to have hospital admitting privileges.

The release of the poll coincides with the National March for Life in Washington.

Note how popular abortion restrictions have become. The "no restrictions" pro-choice crowd doesn't have a political leg to stand one when it comes to their hysterical charges that such restrictions constitute a "war on women." Even pro-choice Americans agree that simply isn't true.

These are common sense rules designed to protect the health and safety of women, as well as protect children. Legalized abortion may be a near 50-50 proposition among the American people, but that apparently hasn't changed people's moral outlook on the practice, nor has it dimmed the desire to protect women and children from quacks.

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