Author of Deadlines, Keeper of None

“The U.S. has now shot so many rhetorical arrows that its quiver of indignation is empty — and the world’s troublemakers may know it. An administration that ignores almost all of its own Obamacare deadlines surely cannot expect others to abide by any timetables it sets abroad.”  Victor Davis Hanson

We wake to the news.

North Korea has shot missiles into the east China Sea in an apparent test/ show of power.

Venezuela in socio economic turmoil.

A Russian warship docks in Havana.

Syria disobeys the schedule set to deport their chemical weapons.

Iran laughs at the uranium enrichment scheme.

And the Ukraine is torn in two, and Russian jets are on high alert.

(Yet all of this is trumped by gay marriage rights in Arizona. )

Certainly, and solidly in the Ron Paul camp, these are not all issues that require our intervention. Perhaps none do.  Yet it has become clear that “Come on, Guys.” is not a foreign policy.

Hillary racked up near a million miles of travel, and did so and kept count apparently only for future political elevation.  What trail did she leave of United States diplomacy and statesmanship?  Will any of the governments of the troubled countries answer her phone calls?  Or, for that matter, from anyone from the United States government? 

There have been too many “We are outraged, etc. etc.” statements.  We have reached the “boy cries wolf” declining marginal utility limit on such rhetoric, as Hanson has noted.

Obama rode to office with his foreign relations saddle bags empty.  He declared Joe Biden and Senator Lugar would guide him through that mine field.  Joe Biden?  One might speculate, based on the convoluted policies, that others with no foreign relations experience are calling the shots.  Perhaps, a Valerie Jarrett, John Podesta, or the President himself establishes our stance in these international matters.

Is it mean spirited to note that this administration's ace in the hole is setting deadlines, but itself has a track record of disregard for such chronological discipline?  

Is it racist to note that the “resetting” with the Russians was a unilateral effort steeped in naivete?  Some hold Obama as the most naïve President of all time. Is the START treaty worth the paper it is written on?  Putin is playing shirtless macho hard ball while Obama throws high arcing slow balls (ala his “first pitch”) in his “mom jeans”.  

The world is a tinder box and the nefarious have read the Obama message of empty outrage, too often half hearted vapid indignation.  China watches.


James Longstreet

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