Scott Walker is the next target of the MSM knockout game

Having successfully demonized Chris Christie over the closure of traffic lanes on a bridge, the leftist mainstream media are now targeting Scott Walker, another very promising potential GOP candidate for president.  All of this in the context media downplaying and outright ignoring revelations of lies under oath in a scandal that cost four American lives including an ambassador that reflects badly on Hillary Clinton.

The Washington Post offered a front page story intimating Scott Walker faces a scandal in an ongoing investigation launched by his political enemies in Wisconsin (who are legion because he successfully took on the public employee unions and won the right for workers to decline union membership, which many of them are now exercising. Jim Gerraghty summarizes in NRO:

The story can be found here; it points out that of the two criminal investigations mentioned in the lead, one "is closed and found no wrongdoing by the governor" but has "the potential to embarrass him."

One revelation is that "e-mails show he knew county officials were working closely with campaign officials." Of course, the problem isn't county officials and campaign officials "working closely" - the public official's schedule and other matters require communication between the two offices. The problem is when taxpayer dollars are used for campaign purposes, or if public employees work on campaigns on the taxpayer's dime. One complaint is that the county officials used private e-mail accounts for political communications with the governor, allegedly to "shield political business from public scrutiny." But if the county officials had used their official work accounts, wouldn't they be doing campaign work on a taxpayer-funded and supplied e-mail account? The effort to avoid the scandal is being cited as a scandal.

The other investigation is examining "possible illegal political coordination during the 2012 recall election." Both investigations were begun by Milwaukee district attorney John Chisolm, a Democrat, and it will not shock you to learn there is no investigation of union activity during the recall.

The top of the front page is a fascinatingly prominent placement for what is, to use the term of another Washington Post reporter, a "local crime story."

Say, did President Obama ever use government resources for his reelection campaign?

"Throughout his administration, but particularly in recent weeks, President Obama has been passing off campaign travel as 'official events,' thereby allowing taxpayers, rather than his campaign, to pay for his reelection efforts," the complaint letter by RNC Chairman Reince Priebus read.

The president gave speeches on college campuses in North Carolina, Colorado and Iowa in front of large crowds of students in which he called on Congress to prevent a hike in federal student loan interest rates. The RNC noted the location of the speeches, the large boisterous crowds and some of the president's recent rhetoric in its complaint, saying they created a campaign-like atmosphere.

Even left-leaning Politco call this "scandal: a "snoozer."

Right Wisconsin has a more comprehensive analysis of what the email release doesn't show:

1. No charges against Walker. The material released Wednesday was nearly four years old and part of an investigation that ended with no charges against the governor. The 27,000 pages of emails consisted largely of volumes of old news, office gossip, political chatter, and unproved allegations. 

2. Nothing new.  Nothing in the new batch of emails incriminates Walker in any way. If there was evidence of criminal activity, prosecutors would have filed charges. Instead, they shut down that probe without charges against the governor. 

3. No link. The emails that supposedly "link" Walker to the "secret" email system don't.  (snip)

4. Court of public opinion... not of law.  The prosecutors who released these emails could not convict Walker in a court of law, so they are resorting to a media trial in the court of public opinion. 

5. Prosecutorial bias. In both John Doe I and John Doe II Prosecutorstargeted only Republicans, not Democrats. In 2012, Media Trackers uncovered 43 Scott Walker recall signers in the Milwaukee County District Attorneys office. The Chief Investigator of the John Doe, David Budde, was even caught posting the union blue fist and a "Recall Walker" sign in his yard while he was working on the probe. 

6. Prosecutorial abuse. The "secret" investigation included the jailing of two innocent businessmen (who were never charged with any wrongdoing) by the Doe prosecutors, as well as numerous leaks from the supposedly "secret" proceedings.

7. Partisan frenzy. The Democratic Party and their liberal allies are all-in on the John Doe. For weeks, Democrats have been raising money off the investigation - insinuating crimes and corruption. The DNC put out a statement less than an hour after the documents were released saying they raise serious questions about illegal activity. (snip)

8. Media overkill. The press is investing a huge amount of manpower on this story, so they have to hype the smallest item to justify the expenditure of resources. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel invested 10 reporters to the Doe emails on Wednesday. The Wisconsin State Journal live-blogged their findings. Reporters from all over the country tweeted throughout the day. And what did they come up with? Some loose insinuations that prosecutors couldn't prove, a lot of office gossip, and even inane details about a house smelling like cat pee.

9. An endless investigation... but no crime. The investigation is continuing, but the judge in the case has already ruled that there is no evidence that any crime was committed. The John Doe II probe allegedly centers on charges that Scott Walker's re-election campaign and dozens of conservative nonprofit groups known as 501(c)(4)s may have illegally coordinated their efforts during the 2012 recall campaign. But in quashing numerous subpoenas, Judge Gregory A. Peterson, the judge presiding over the Doe, has ruled that  the prosecutors had not shown "probable cause that the moving parties committed any violations of the campaign finance laws."What the targets were accused of doing, the judge said, was in fact, protected free speech. 

Make no mistake: Scott Walker won smashing victories in a blue state, and withstood a concentrated assault by the moneybags faction of the Democratic Party (unions)d gave them a defeat that weakened them as a future political player. He has also turned a deficit into a surplus and now threatens to give voters a tax cut dividend for their support of his policies.

No wonder they want to take him out. Walker has a track record of turning attacks against him back on the attackers. Menawhile, Hillary's many scandals are dismissed as "old news" by the media worms.

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