Another Well-Deserved Obama ‘Work Your Butt Off’ Vacation

Michelle Obama is either into climate equity or loves extreme temperature swings when attempting to regain her strength after overtaxing America.

Just a couple of weeks after FLOTUS, Sasha, and Malia hit the snow-covered slopes in Aspen, the girls headed to Key Largo, Florida, where, according to a White House spokesperson, Dad was “looking forward to some warm-weather downtime with the family.”

Yes,“downtime” is certainly in order, especially when so much energy has been expended on resolving difficult issues such as whether to pack swimwear or ski gear. 

Moreover, Mrs. Obama needs to build up her strength for her upcoming sightseeing/educational-counseling trip to China.  Let’s remember, eating with chopsticks requires energy, especially if the energy is expended acquiring an ambidextrous skill.

Think of how exhausting it’s been for this family. 

Let’s see, there was basking in the Hawaiian sun for 17 days and then10 extra days at Oprah’s mansion for the pooped-out Mrs. Obama, not to mention flying back and forth for 20+ hours alone, which is certainly a tiresome chore.

Then, practically minutes after arriving home from Maui,Mrs. Obama was expected to be the guest of honor at a gala “Snacks & Sips & Dancing & Dessert” 50th birthday party.

Think of it: as reluctant host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Obama had to meet, greet, and make small talk with the likes of John Legend and his new wife/swimsuit model Chrissy Teigen.  Also required was showing Beyoncé and Blue Ivy the White House Christmas ornaments and dodging enthusiastic dancer Paul McCartney.

And then there was the exertion of all that sweaty snacking, sipping, and dancing. That right there is worth a few weeks in Key Largo, never mind just a weekend.

Between fundraising, appearing on late night talk shows, and meeting with Jordanian kings, there’s even been an arduous state dinner where poor Mrs. Obama had to zip herself into a $12,000 Carolina Herrera gown. 

Then it was boarding a trolley car and riding all the way out to a Monet-inspired heated tent on the South Lawn.  Once there, François Hollande, who came without a date, require done-on-one amusement, not to mention a worn-out first lady and president being obliged to engage with big bundlers, high powered politicians, and Hollywood stars

Add to that a few days of parched desert golfing with billionaires and chilly Aspen skiing.  Does anyone ever take into consideration how draining those types of activities can be?

Michelle Obamaeven joined in theObama/Putin tug-of-war, which includes one-upsmanship antics like Obama bogarting the gym during the G-8 summit in Ireland and sending a gay delegation to Sochi, an action Putin tugged back at by applauding a racist Obama-mocker lighting the Olympic torch.

Thanks to Michelle’s effort in the tit-for-tat interchange between Putin and hubby, the USA’s decision to bestow a “Women of Courage” award upon Ukrainian rock star/activist Ruslana, the woman who accused the Russian president of  “propaganda… torture… [and]… killing,” at least for now, puts Obama one-up in the reconstituted Cold War.

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