Beyonce sex video may help push STD rates even higher

Bill O’Reilly sent singer Beyonce a message via Def Jam Record co-founder Russell Simmons this week. After the Fox News host got wind of what Time magazine described as “Bey’s properly XXX” video “Partition,” O’Reilly told the performer to “knock it off.”

The steamy track, which features a striptease on a piano, pole dancing and oral sex in a limo, is streaming out to Beyonce fans everywhere. The 32-year old mother’s performance has O’Reilly befuddled.

“Why would Beyoncé do that?” O’Reilly asks Simmons. “I think Beyoncé, what she has done here, is inexplicable. So I am asking you here, Russell Simmons, to explain it to me.”

Simmons goes on to defend Beyoncé as an artist, which O’Reilly gets really mad about.

“That’s art?” he spits back. “Beyoncé in a back of a limo having sex and referencing Monica Lewinsky is art?”

“Yeah, it is actually,” Russell replies calmly. “Beyoncé is a brilliant artist.”

The Obamas love her too. The First Couple have not only held her up as a fine role model for their girls, Mrs. Obama hired the barely literate, sexed-up singer to shake her stuff in front of middle school children as part of the $10 billion Let’s Move campaign.

Pretty soon, there's a good chance that these same kids will be hit with a disproportionate number of STD’s and abortions in their communities, but that doesn’t faze the Obamas or Beyonce. The Affordable Care Act will provide all the antibiotics, contraceptives and abortifacients necessary to keep her fans from paying for having indiscriminate sex. STD’s alone cost the health care system $16 billion a year, but chances are Obamacare panels won’t be cutting costs in this area.

Besides, bumping and grinding by herself or with her husband Jay Z at the Grammys in prime time is good, clean fun. That crowd thinks all those preachy prudes and uptight so-cons are judgmental hypocrites who think sex is dirty. And the Carters are married, which makes their public sex displays a novelty for the 70% of kids in black communities being raised by a single mother and different partners. 

Beyonce is not responsible for the nearly 20 million new sexually transmitted infections that occur every year in this country; half among young people ages 15–24. Sex sells and she’s a brilliant artist adored by President Obama and his wife.


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