Calling out liberal racism
It’s time to turn the tables on the left and start calling them out for their racism. For too many decades, conservatives have endured slander, and too many members of the voting public have casually accepted preposterous imputations of racism.
Roger L. Simon has written an admirable call to arms at PJ Media, drawing on both personal experience and political strategizing. First, his experience (which mirrors my own):
As one of the relatively few people (percentage wise) to have spent more than a decade on both sides of our political divide [TL: me too], and also to have participated personally in the civil rights movement in the South in the sixties, I am going to say something that will be extremely controversial to liberals, indeed make them hate me. Given all those years I spent on the two sides, I have observed liberals to be vastly more racist than conservatives and libertarians.
It isn’t even close. During the time I was on the left, I heard many racially disparaging comments by my associates either offered in confidence or as off-hand remarks. During my time on the right, I heard such a comment only one time — and that was by a Frenchman.
OK, even if that was my experience, too, and even if Bill Clinton used to use the n-word back in Arkansas, it is all anecdotal. And attempts to establish a non-anecdotal database would be difficult-to-impossible, because in formal situations people guard against being caught. So turn to substance:
The Democratic Party has been waging a War on Black People since the Great Society of 1964-65 (actually for far longer than that) that has reached horrifying proportions in our time. That nearly 73 percent of African Americans are currently born out of wedlock, 67 percent living in single parent homes, is nothing short of disastrous with yet more disastrous auguries for the future.
And all this during the administration of our first black president. The level of hypocrisy is astronomical. (snip)
All these social welfare programs, affirmative actions, etc. were a signal to African Americans that they were inferior, that somehow they couldn’t make it without help. This became a self-fulfilling prophecy, a kind of mass Stockholm Syndrome. And, quite naturally, it engendered a great deal of anger.
The system wasn’t all that different from giving heroin or alcohol to a family member to ease him or her out of their addiction. It didn’t work but it kept them dependent.
Now is the time to take action:
… instead of waiting to be attacked, we should call out the real racists first. Offense, not defense. The country is waiting. And, most of all, you will be doing minorities a favor. They are the ones, more than any, being oppressed. Don’t be afraid of helping them get free of their oppressors by telling the truth. It’s the most humane thing we could all do.
The best defense is a good offense. Time to call out the liberal racists.