Compassionate, tolerant, understanding liberal academics in action

A couple of examples of liberal academics who demonstrate compassion, tolerance, and understanding with those they disagree.

A professor of "feminist studies" at UC Santa Barbara accosted a 16 year old anti-abortion protestor, ripping the sign she was carrying from her hands and then assaulted the teenager when she asked for it back.

The professor, Mireille Miller-Young, lists her "areas of study" on her website:

Mireille Miller-Young, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Feminist Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Her research explores race, gender and sexuality in visual culture and sex industries in the United States. Her manuscript, A Taste for Brown Sugar: Black Women, Sex Work and Pornography (forthcoming from Duke University Press in 2014) examines African American women’s representation and labor in pornographic media.

No doubt her courses are extremely popular.

According to the website College Fix, Miller-Young definitely needs to be medicated:

A department of feminist studies professor has been accused of going berserk after coming across a campus prolife demonstration that used extremely graphic displays, leading a small mob of students to chant “tear down the sign” before grabbing one of the signs, storming off with it, then allegedly engaging in an altercation with a 16-year-old prolife protestor who had followed the educator to retrieve it.

Much of the scuffle was recorded on a smartphone by the 16-year-old, Thrin Short. The yet-to-be-released video is now in the custody of Santa Barbara law enforcement officials, who are investigating the March 4 incident.


As the prolife demonstrators tried to engage students one-on-one in conversation during a lull in the chanting, that’s when Miller-Young allegedly grabbed one of their signs and stormed off, followed by two UCSB students, Garza said, adding Thrin followed the threesome with her older sister, Joan, in tow and calling 9-1-1.

Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust has detailed the students’ version of events on their website. It states in part what they claim happened next:

The parade weaved through two buildings and entered an elevator in the third. Thrin attempted to get on the elevator with them, but Young blocked the doorway. Thrin stuck her foot in the door, but Young pushed it out with her foot. Tenaciously, Thrin put it back. This happened several times as Thrin pleaded with the students to not get involved. “The police are on their way,” she told them …

Suddenly Young reached out and pushed 16 year old Thrin. “Don’t touch me!” Thrin cried, startled. Young’s long fingernails scratched Thrin’s arm. Young pushed Thrin twice more and each time Thrin kept the door from closing with her arm. Finally, Young got out of the elevator, and tried to pull Thrin away from the elevator door. Thrin held onto the elevator with her other hand, the one holding the camera. Realizing that students were trying to take the camera out of her hand, Thrin let go of the elevator.

The elevator doors closed. Professor Young let go of Thrin, leaving several scratches on her arms, and got on another elevator. Then the police arrived. The police did not seem overly concerned about the incident until they saw the video and realized how violent the professor had been. Police identified the assailant and found the remains of the sign – it had been destroyed. UC Santa Barbara police are completing their report …

I suppose that's one way to "dialogue" with people you disagree. The school should bounce this "professor" immediately.

Not to be outdone in the Wacky World of Liberal Professors, is this thoughtful lesson in diversity from a teacher at South Puget Sound Community College.

SF Gate:

South Puget Sound Community College says it was a mistake for an employee group to invite only people of color to a diversity "happy hour."

The group that sent out the email last week apologized the next day and canceled the event, said Kellie Purce Braseth, dean of college relations.

The college believes the best way to celebrate and discuss diversity is to include everyone, Braseth told KING ( ).

"If you want to come you should be able to come; that just makes a richer conversation," she said.

The invitation to all 300 staffers said the "Staff, Faculty and Administrators of Color" encouraged employees to reply to the invitation to find out the confidential date and time of what was being called a "happy hour" to "build support and community" for people of color.

The invite made it clear white people were not welcome.

"If you want to create space for white folks to meet and work on racism, white supremacy, and white privilege to better our campus community and yourselves, please feel free to do just that," the email read.

Karama Blackhorn, program coordinator for the school's Diversity and Equity Center, helped write the invitation.

It could have been worded differently, but she maintains the staff members of color would have a more honest discussion about race without white employees.

Because nothing quite says "diversity" like excluding people based on the color of their skin. Or something.

Our children's higher education is in good hands with these two. No doubt the lessons learned from these liberal professors will hold our kids in good stead when they move into the workforce.

As long as they get jobs in academia or government.



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