Darrell Issa: Lois Lerner has agreed to testify


Speaking on Fox News Sunday, Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Darrell Issa revealed that Lois Lerner’s lawyers have indicated that she will testify before the committee, her previous claim of Fifth Amendment protections to the contrary notwithstanding.

“It’s going to be a good, fact-finding hearing,” he said.

Issa said he didn’t know why Lerner’s lawyers changed their mind, but suggested Lerner testifying was “in her best interest,” considering the recent evidence the committee had gathered.

This sounds as if evidence has been developed that might incriminate Lerner, and that she is angling for a grant of immunity or for reduced charges in return for cooperation. She potentially faces criminal prosecution, and doesn’t strike me as the sort of person who could handle prison very well.

Let’s keep our fingers crossed, but not let our hopes get too high. She is wily and no doubt has access to some pretty slick legal talent. There is a lot of power and influence that wants to insulate the president from culpability for politicization of the IRS. One of the impeachment charges against Nixon drawn up with the help of none other than Hillary Clinton was his alleged effort to use the IRS against his political enemies.

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