Jay Carney may be bailing out

Jay Carney hasn’t been having a very good time in the White House press room. The kindest adjective I can apply to the look on his face as he dances around the uncomfortable truth on so many issues is “dyspeptic.” Keep in mind that he used to be a colleague of many of the journalists he now face as he applies lipstick to the Obama administration’s many policy pigs.

The Daily Caller’s “Mirror” column reports:

Insiders very close to Househttp://images.intellitxt.com/ast/adTypes/icon1.png White House Press Secretary Jay Carney indicate that he’s on his way out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, The Mirror has learned. Carney has told people he’s leaving the White House soon.

This sounds like code for Carey himself, or possibly his wife, Claire Shipman.

When he leaves, Carney stands to reap a fortune in speaking fees, a book, and a new gig with the likes of MSNBC or even a corporate job.

Of course, Carney’s departure has been anticipated for some time:

In March of last year, Mediaite reported that Carney was “stressed and burnt out.” They wondered in a headline, “Time for Carney to go?” At the time, writer Joe Concha reported that Carney had grown more “testy” and “combative” with the press and ticked off a number of examples with the likes of NPR’s Mara Liasson, CBS’ Bill Plante and WaPo‘s George Will.

Given the debased media culture we have today, Carney probably will not suffer greatly for being the front man for Obama’s many lies.

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