Maybe the 'uninsured' want to stay 'uninsured'

The Obama administration just changed the ACA again, as reported by Fox News:

"The Obama administration will grant extra time to Americans who say they are unable to enroll in health care plans through the federal insurance marketplace by the March 31 deadline, in a decision that swiftly drew Republican ridicule.  

All consumers who have begun to apply for coverage on, but who do not finish by Monday, will now have until about mid-April to ask for an extension." 

Will it matter?  Probably not!

The ACA has a bigger problem than "computer glitches" or "high deductibles,"

In other words, the uninsured are not rushing to get insured.  Wasn't getting the "uninsured" insured one of the big reasons for passing this law?

The biggest news is that "the uninsured" are OK with it. Again, how do you explain this Kaiser Poll via TIME?   Please read:

"The Kaiser poll, conducted March 11-17, also found that 50% of uninsured adults plan to remain without health coverage, despite the law’s new exchanges and federal subsidies to reduce the cost of premiums.

Two-thirds of the uninsured are aware Americans must have insurance or pay fines, while just 57% realize the law provides the subsidies, according to the poll."

Translation:  Some people in the US just don't care!  Sorry for being harsh but we've been bombarded by ObamaCare ads, speeches and news coverage. 

What planet are these people living on?  Heck even Jon Stewart and the late night comedians have been talking ObamaCare.

For years, the left has presented the "uninsured" as poor victims of "for profit" insurance companies, layoffs or expensive policies.  Yes, some people are indeed victims of bad policies or unfortunate employment terminations.  However, it looks like many are just "uninsured" and OK with it.

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