Obama's second term appointments more radical than the first

That President Obama has maintained close relationships with left wing radicals throughout his adult life is not up for argument. His defenders say it doesn't matter, or it's ancient history.

Neither excuse explains why his second term appointments are even more radical than his first term choices.

Investors Business Daily:

Seriously. The president keeps saying he champions the middle class and its values. But his choices of people to help him run the country are the most extreme in U.S. history, and his second-term nominations are more radical than the first.

No sooner had even some Senate Democrats joined Republicans in voting down a cop killer-coddler for civil rights chief, Debo Adegbile, than Obama sent up a 2nd Amendment-basher for U.S. Surgeon General. Dr. Vivek Murthy advocates doctors asking patients if they keep guns in the home, a shocking invasion of privacy.

Murthy may also have a rocky path ahead of him, but other extreme-left nominees are getting confirmed.

Last year, Obama tapped former Congressional Black Caucus chief Mel Watt as, of all things, head of the federal agency regulating Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which together underwrite 90% of all new-home loans. Republicans blocked his confirmation. But thanks to Democrats invoking the "nuclear option" and ending the filibuster, one of the most radical lawmakers in Congress is now effectively running America's mortgage industry.

Meanwhile, radical racialist Tom Perez runs the Labor Department, where he's threatening to sue employers who don't hire minority felons, just like he sued bankers who didn't make prime loans to un-creditworthy minority borrowers when he was civil rights chief.

We're familiar with many of the radicals Obama keeps around him; Jarrett, Axelrod, Sunstein, Power, to name a few. Here are some lesser known lights:

• Rose Gottemoeller, Obama's Soviet-sympathizing chief nuclear arms negotiator, who thinks America is a global "bully" and must unilaterally disarm for the sake of world peace.

• John Trasvina, assistant HUD secretary for fair housing who once headed the radical Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund, whose co-founder made racist statements about whites.

• Cecilia Munoz, head of White House domestic policy who used to work for La Raza, the militant Latino group that advocates illegal immigrant rights.

• Erica Groshen, Bureau of Labor Statistics chief who sends her children to Camp Kinderland, aka "Commie Camp," a communist-founded institution where kids during the Cold War sang Soviet anthems.

• John Holdren, Obama's science czar, who's advised surrendering U.S. sovereignty to a "Planetary Regime" that will redistribute the West's wealth to underdeveloped countries and who once advocated "adding a sterilant to drinking water" to control population.

• Harold Koh, former State Department general counsel who believes in "trans-nationalism" and sees nothing wrong with Shariah law in U.S. courts.

• Tony West, associate attorney general who oversees Gitmo policy, even though he defended al-Qaida and Taliban terrorists including John Walker Lindh, who pleaded guilty to aiding the enemy and fighting U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

We are going to survive 8 years of these people running things, although there will be considerable damage to repair once they're gone.  We can get a good start on that by taking over the Senate in 2014 and stopping Obama's radical agenda from being implemented.

Hat Tip: Ed Lasky

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