The Obamas' Hyde Park mansion after 2016

Will the Obamas return to Chicago and live in their Hyde Park mansion? I would be very surprised.

The post-presidency life of Barack and Michelle Obama is already a matter of much media speculation. Will the presidential library be in Chicago, where the Obamas made their professional lives and where the University of Chicago has made a bid to host it? Or will it be in Honolulu, the president’s home town, where a state-owned plot of beach-front land is said to be available for that use. The National Enquirer has reported that Obama plans to spend winters in Hawaii with his close childhood friend and golfing buddy Bobby Titcomb.  Some speculate that Hawaii and Chicago will each host an Obama presidency facility, with a  tourist-friendly location in Chicago for large numbers of visitors, and a research-oriented facility in Hawaii that could also house the ex-president’s offices during the winter months.

Chicago Sun-Times columnist Michael Sneed has an intriguing item on the fate of the Obamas’ mansion, post-presidency:

Sneed hears speculation that President Barack Obama and wife Michelle — who Sneed bets will not move back into their Hyde Park home when he leaves office — will likely let their residence become part of the proposed University of Chicago presidential library system. A probable tour site? Betcha.

My question is: what will happen to the part of the yard that was purchased by Tony Rezko, so as to knock-down the purchase price paid by then-Senator Obama?

As far as most conservatives are concerned it can’t be 2017 soon enough, with Barack and Michelle Obama out of the White House.

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