Maybe Chicago needs General Petraeus

We were all horrified by the latest round of violence in Chicago, as reported by The Chicago Tribune:

"A South Side shooting left four girls and a boy hurt, and on the Northwest Side a 15-year-old girl was shot while riding in a car as shootings across Chicago Sunday night added to the toll of a violent holiday weekend.  

At least nine people were killed and at least 36 wounded since Friday.

Two of the deathscame Sunday morning when a Cook County Sheriff's Office correctional officer apparently shot to death his wife, a Chicago police officer, inside their Southwest Side home before turning the gun on himself, authorities said.

Three of the deaths and 14 of the wounded were shot between 9 a.m. and 10 p.m. on Sunday."

As always, the anti-gun crowd jumps on these deaths to promote another round of gun laws.   

Question:  What new gun law are they talking about?  Chicago has very strict gun laws already

I would suggest a couple of ideas.

First, President and Mrs Obama should heed Jennifer Rubin's advice:

"I suggested earlier today that first lady Michelle Obama should spend more time talking to teens.

She can start, perhaps, in her home town. 

At funerals — but more important, in schools before kids drop out and when a productive life still awaits them – she and her husband can lend their own stature to the effort to reduce violence, not by putting stickers on windows or passing more useless anti-gun laws, but by keeping kids in schools and fathers in families."

Second, it may be time to reactivate General Petraeus and put the National Guard in the streets.  They should be ordered to clear the streets, arrest "bad guys" and make it possible for order to return.  My guess is that these troops would be welcomed by the people terrorized in these neighborhoods.


P. S. You can hear my chat with Richard Baehr of American Thinker about Chicago's violence & follow me on Twitter @ scantojr.

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