Wendy Davis's halo tarnishes with ethical questions

Once upon a time, Wendy Davis was the golden girl of the feminist Democrat left, able to raise millions in out of state contributions as part of her effort to take control of the Texas governorship. Her halo started to tilt when it was discovered that she, ahem, embellished her campaign biography. But now, issues directly related to her integrity in office have surfaced, courtesy of the Dallas Morning News, which also first debunked her biographical embellishments, and Breitbart.

Davis supported legislation governing a toll road project.  That would be all well and good except for the fact that the North Texas Tollway Authority hired Davis' law firm, Newby Davis, to represent them. The DMN stated, “She backed changes governing the collection of unpaid tolls that preceded an NTTA program in which law firms — including Davis’ — were chosen to carry out the collections. And as a state senator, she sought federal money for a transportation project being handled by her law firm.”

Records show that during the 2011 legislative session, Davis was billing her client for condemnation work (private property being taken from its owners for public use) on the very same day she was voting for toll-collection authority legislation that was backed by her client, the NTTA.

One hand washes the other.

Her official letterhead proved quite useful for her clients:

Senator Davis’ office sent a letter to the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) requesting clarification as to the qualifications necessary for a company to be certified as a minority-owned business. Deidre Delisi, former chief of the commission that oversees that department told DMN, “We got right on it” because a senator was asking for the information.  Less than one week later, another Fort Worth law firm announced it had hired Sen. Davis to “assist clients in regulatory, public policy and legislative issues.”  They even listed her Senate office in the contact information.

It was just a few weeks after that when Davis and her colleague Bryan Newby filed papers with the Texas Secretary of State’s office to form Newby Davis as a minority owned business.  Newby is black and previously served Governor Rick Perry as general council. They indicated one of the goals of the new firm was to help NTTA with spreading legal work around Fort Worth using minority-owned businesses.

There is more. The Democrats have made their bed in choosing Wendy as their great female hope. Now let them sleep in it.

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