Yes we can tell you what to do with your body

Yes we can tell you what to do with your body.

A story breaks this past weekend.  A mother in Utah, Megan Huntsman, stands accused that she strangled or suffocated six of her babies almost immediately after they were born.

Beside the horror of this and aside from the relevant questions about why no one else seemed to know anything about this since the births (and murders) happened one at a time over the course of a number of years, the debate boards would surely center around babies being killed.  In other words, abortion.

Pro-lifers were there to bait the pro-abortion lobby at every turn. The pro-life people ought to have because the question was necessary. Why did this mother chose to be a multiple murderer, as opposed to a victim of an oppressive male-dominant society where she could then chose to take her babies lives freely and legally?

Setting that debate aside, I was waiting for what would come next. It didn’t take a savant to see it coming and there it was, right on cue. 

(Paraphrasing multiple comments on multiple message boards)

“You can’t tell me what I can and cannot do with my body!”

Actually, yes we (society) can.  And we do.  And we need to.  Otherwise society is chaos.

We can mark the ways government tells women (and men) what they can and cannot do with their bodies. 

Governments say, among many others:

*You cannot consume alcohol until you reach the age of 21.

*You cannot partake in tobacco products or mark your body with a permanent tattoo until you reach the age of 18.

*You cannot ingest, in any way or form, a myriad and lengthy lest of narcotics and other drugs (both legal and those deemed illegal in most states) no matter your age.

*You cannot (in some cases) get an abortion without consent until a certain age.

*You cannot sell your body parts, whether you are alive or dead.

*And, in most places, you cannot rent out your body in any way for sexual reasons.

The list goes on.

One of the problems the liberal left has (among many in its incoherent public policies) is the failure to be able to grasp that its arguments are not simply weak and ill-informed but usually, as in this instance once again, at odds with the truth. 

So to any liberal (pregnant at the moment or not) woman who might be reading this, I offer and ask.

We in fact can tell you what you can and cannot do with your body.  We must and we will.  To allow you to run rampant with whatever decision you make is to step back and allow you to claim legally that you, as a pregnant woman, can smoke meth during your pregnancy because we are not allowed to tell you what you can with your body.

So we ask (and it’s simple).  Can we tell you that you cannot smoke meth during your pregnancy and should you get caught doing so can we demand you be punished to the full extent of the law?

If no one can tell you what to do with your body then your answer will be no.

Otherwise, put the pipe down, clear your mind and understand fully.   In the argument over abortion society can, in fact, tell you what you can do with your body. 

Whether it does that is a different argument.  And argument those of us opposed to killing babies at any age are more than happy to debate.

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