Dem Rep wants $50 billion for more Solyndras

You’ve got to credit Maryland Democrat Congressman Chis Van Hollen with chutzpah. Undeterred by the massive waste of money lavished on green schemes like Solyndra, and heedless of the failure of predictions of global warming models to come true, Rep. Holland is agitating for the creation of a $50 billion loan fund to flush down the toilet on green schemes.  Eric Scheiner of CNS News reports:

Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) is turning to the web to drum up support for the creation of a Federal Green Bank that would create $50 billion in debt in order to offer loans for clean energy projects.

In a video posted on YouTube this week for the Safe Climate Caucus, Van Hollen says even though several states have created their own “green banks”, the federal government still needs to get involved.

“Which is why we have introduced the Green Bank Act of 2014 to establish a Federal Green Bank as an independent, self-sustaining, not for profit, wholly-owned corporation of the United States,” Van Hollen says.

Grab your wallet. Crony capitalism is alive and well in the Democratic Party.

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