DOJ official's testimony demonstrates that Holder's IRS probe 'a joke'

The top Department of Justice official in charge of overseeing 'public integrity' prosecutions made a fool of himself yesterday in Congressional testimony and demonstrated that getting to the truth is the last thing on the Department’s agenda when it comes to the IRS scandals. President Obama’s statement that “not a smidgen” of corruption existed apparently is regarded as holy writ in Eric Holder’s domain. David Martasko of the UK Daily Mail reports:
The acting deputy U.S. attorney general in charge of overseeing 'public integrity' prosecutions testified Friday that he doesn't know who's in charge of the criminal investigation of Lois Lerner, the former IRS official at the center of the tea-party targeting scandal.

David O'Neil, whose job atop the DOJ's criminal division puts him in charge of public corruption prosecutions, told Ohio Republican Rep. Jim Jordan that he also doesn't know how many prosecutors are assigned to the case, or how many attorneys from his division are working on it.

Asked to identify the lead agent in the Lerner investigation, O'Neil would only answer, 'I'm sure that we can provide that information to you.' (snip)

Jordan told MailOnline Friday afternoon that O'Neil's testimony 'is even further proof as to why a special counsel is needed to get to the bottom of the IRS scandal.'

'The DOJ investigation has been a joke, as evidenced by Mr. O'Neil's unfamiliarity with even the most basic details of the work being done by the division he oversees.,' Jordan said.

'We are talking about the IRS violating the First Amendment rights of Americans, and we deserve a real investigation that helps us deliver justice.'

This is evidence that a special counsel must be appointed. Holder’s minions aren’t even bothering to round up the usual suspects (those would be tea partiers, actually, so one cannot complain on that issue).

Holder is on dangeours ground here, for the IRS is the most feared agency in Washington, and political corruption there resonates deedply, which is why President Obama at first reacted so strongly, and why, on consideration, the effort to denigrate the corruption is so thorough. Remember that using the IRS for political purposes was one of the indictments of President Nixon in his Articles of Impeachment.

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