Faites attention, Monsieur Boehner

Mr. Boehner: If you push through immigration reform, aka amnesty, you will lose a sizable chunk of the Republican base and never win an election again.


Stacy Meichtry, Wall Street Journal:

Exit polls showed the National Front, led by firebrand politician Marine Le Pen, garnering an estimated 25% of the vote nationally, with the party scoring as high as 28% in some territories. The ruling Socialist Party received 14%, according to the polls, trailing both the National Front and the center-right UMP.

"The sovereign people have declared they want to take back the reins of their destiny," Ms. Le Pen said on Sunday, moments after polls closed. "Our people demand just one politics. The politics of the French, for the French."

If the exit polls are accurate, the election results position Ms. Le Pen as the leader of a potential coalition of European lawmakers aiming to roll back the EU and its single currency, the euro. The result would also mark an embarrassing setback for France's two traditional parties, the Socialists of President François Hollande and the UMP.

Behind the vote lies a nation undergoing a sea change. The rise of the National Front—a polarizing party forged from the anti-immigration rhetoric of its founder, Jean-Marie Le Pen—has upended a country that prides itself not only as a founding member of the EU, but also as the birthplace of the Enlightenment and an enduring international beacon of democracy rooted in the principles of liberty, equality and fraternity.

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