Hilarious: Al Sharpton versus the Teleprompter, Part Deux

Apart from being a vile race-baiter with blood on his hands (Google “Freddy’s Fashion Mart”), Al Sharpton is train wreck of a teleprompter reader, who somehow manages to keep a show on MSNBC. Perhaps it is because its parent Comcast wants to escape antitrust issues in its proposed acquisition of its largest rival in the cable television market, and so is consciously serving the agenda of the Obama-Holder regime by stirring up racial animosity.

Our friends at the Washington Free Beacon, having already put together one collection of Sharpton embarrassments, today offers the following.

Ridicule and derision ought to be Sharpton’s constant fate when he appears in public. So too, that of his corporate masters at MSNBC and Comcast, for providing this charlatan a large bullhorn

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