Karl Rove asks if Hillary suffered brain injury

Rather clumsily, Karl Rove has placed Hillary Clinton’s health in question with remarks delivered last week to a conference in Los Angeles. Emily Smith of Page Six reports:

Onstage with Robert Gibbs and CBS correspondent and “Spies Against Armageddon” co-author Dan Raviv, Rove said Republicans should keep the Benghazi issue alive.

He said if Clinton runs for president, voters must be told what happened when she suffered a fall in December 2012.

The official diagnosis was a blood clot. Rove told the conference near LA Thursday, “Thirty days in the hospital? And when she reappears, she’s wearing glasses that are only for people who have traumatic brain injury? We need to know what’s up with that.”

Rove repeated the claim a number of times to the audience.

In fact, Mrs. Clinton spent three days in hospital after falling in her DC home in December of 2012 and reportedly suffering  a blood clot in her brain. So Rove mucked up the opportunity to raise legitimate questions, since she did evade questioning over Benghazi for a period following the incident, and did receive further treatment.

Unfortunately, Mrs. Clinton has always done better when portraying herself as a victim of unfair attacks, and Rove walked right into that trap with his inaccurate charges. Lucianne Goldberg  presciently remarked on her home page, “Rove running low on material,” which does reflect the reality that speaking fees for people like Rove are a substantial source of income, and the beast must be fed with new discussion points.

But if Hillary does decide to run for the presidency, her medical condition is a valid point of concern for voters. She is in her late 60s, after all. Of late, it appears that her weight has ballooned, with her face appearing fat, and her hips and lower body, clothed in loose garb, apparently spreading horizontally. If she were really in training for the rigors of a presidential campaign – an ordeal she understands firsthand – I doubt that she would let herself go the way she has.

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