Let Two More be 'Botched'

“You come down to Texas and kill someone, we will kill you right back.”  Ron White, comedian

As in all comedy, there is a strong element of truth to the poignancy.  Swift and decisive, retributive and final, cautionary to others and sending a clear message.  Don’t do it.

The hand wringing of the “botched” execution in Oklahoma the other day is typical.  Based on emotion registered from a veneer depth understanding of the entire matter, the liberals can only imagine the pain suffered by the victim of the botched execution.  Forgotten is the girl who was raped, shot and buried alive.  The agony that was inadvertently administered during the execution was poetic.

Once again the “dots” of logic from the left cannot be connected.  They barely make the same page.  What of late term abortions?  What of “if it saves just one life” when it comes to aborting a soul who might be a deliverer of peace to the world or cure cancer?

But I digress.

Nadal Hasan and Khalid Sheikh Mohammad still draw breath.  Swift and decisive retribution seems to be lost here, as is the message “don’t do these things” to us.  The actual message seems to be you will be lawyered up, warm, comfortable, and feel free to grow a beard. 

The indisputable truth is that the more timely the penalty, the closer the connection between the crime and the penalty.  This is essential in not only appeasing those harmed but also in displaying an outrage upon those who perpetrated the crime. 

Hassan and KSM seem destined to a life with a flat screen, three squares and a prayer rug.  What is the message here?  We must be certain and be swift.  If only the penalty could approach the crime.  Botching might help. This foot dragging must be convenient to some, for everything happens for a reason.  Holder was so anxious to try KSM in New York City, but now the alternative seems to be inaction. Are those Eric’s feet? 


James Longstreet

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