The Obama Administration's Characterization of Russia Changes

The Obama Administration’s characterization of Russia has changed. President Barack Obama called Russia a “regional power” that acted “out of weakness”. Now his CIA Director John Brennan has called Russia a “major power” with “tremendous influence”.

On March 25, 2014, Obama stated: “Russia is a regional power that is threatening some of its immediate neighbors -- not out of strength but out of weakness.”

Less than two months later, on May 10, 2014, after Russia progresses in its invasion of Ukraine, Brennan had a different characterization:

Brennan, who visited Ukraine last month, also declined to call Russia an enemy, instead describing it as, ‘a major power.’

“It is a country that has tremendous influence, particularly in its part of the world,” he said.

At this point in the Obama-induced decline of America, it might be better if nobody asks Obama, Brennan, Obama’s Press Secretary Jay Carney, or Secretary of State John Kerry to explain what message Obama and Brennan are sending.  The answer would only make things worse.

Allan J. Favish is an attorney in Los Angeles.  His website is He has co-authored with James Fernald a book about what might happen if the government ran Disneyland entitled "Fireworks! If the Government Ran the Fairest Kingdom of Them All (A Very Unauthorized Fantasy).

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