The comedy stylings of Nancy Pelosi

She’s back spouting outrageous nonsense. Nancy Pelosi, the woman who told Americans that Congress has to pass a bill to find out what’s in it is now demanding something from Speaker Boehner that she refused to provide when she held the Speaker’s gave. Byron York reports in the Examiner:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is complaining that the new select committee on Benghazi will have more Republican members than Democrats. "If this review is to be fair, it must be truly bipartisan," Pelosi said in a just-released statement. "The panel should be equally divided between Democrats and Republicans, as is done on the House Ethics Committee."


In 2007, the House created a Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming. As Speaker, Pelosi set up the structure. There were nine Democrats and six Republicans. "The House has a long history of creating Select Committees focused on crucial issues," Pelosi said in a statement. "With a large number of committees exercising jurisdiction over issues affecting energy and climate, the Select Committee will provide the coordination of information on these critical issues."

What goes around comes around. Deirdre Walsh reports for CNN:

House Republicans have decided the select committee to investigate the Benghazi terror attack will include seven Republicans and five Democrats, according to two senior House GOP leadership aides.

The House is expected to vote on the legislation establishing the panel later this week.

Pelosi may say outrageous things, but there is often some craftiness, learned at the feet of her father, legendary Baltimore mayor and political boss Thomas D'Alesandro, Jr. While Pelosi seems to be coming out in opposition to Rep. Adam Schiff’s proclamation that Democrats boycott the panel, the GOP’s rejection of her demand can now be used to bolster the argument that Democrats should boycott.

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