Turnaround at the IRS

Sometimes, it’s amazing what a contempt citation can accomplish. The New York Post reports:

That’s quite some efficiency. Back in March, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen told a House committee investigating the targeting of conservative organizations that it “would take years to produce” all the data Congress demanded.

Now, just a day after the full House voted to hold former IRS official Lois Lerner in contempt for her refusal to testify, the IRS told the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, Michigan Republican Dave Camp, it will hand over all the Lerner e-mails related to the scandal.

There has been a lot of liberal bluster over the House Republicans overreaching, and alienating the public. But sometimes, as with a recalcitrant mule, you have to get their attention in order to motivate bureaucrats to do their duty.

Let’s see what those emails reveal.

Hat tip: Ed Lasky

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