IRS emails too smelly even for Candy Crowley

The Democrats have no more loyal a media servant than Candy Crowley, who proved her devotion by derailing scrutiny of Benghazi and the phony video cover story in a 2012 presidential debate. Yet even Candy can’t accept the line that the destruction of Lois Lerner’s emails is a pure coincidence.

Josh Feldman writes in Mediaite:

William Taylor, the attorney for embattled IRS official Lois Lerner, sat down with CNN’s Candy Crowley today [Sunday] to push back against the “election-year politics” of the GOP-led IRS hearings. Crowley asked Taylor that given what the House is investigating, the fact that a chunk of her emails has gone missing isn’t just a little too convenient.

Crowley said it’s odd that the emails are just “irretrievable,” but Taylor insisted that Lerner was just as frustrated to find out her hard drive crashed and did everything she could to recover the data. Crowley suggested it’s very “suspicious” for these emails to go missing and for the IRS to disclose this fact in the middle of an investigation.

Watch the video here:


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