Luis Suarez should apologize to Uruguay

Like many of you, I've followed this World Cup with a bit more interest because of USA team playing with lots of heart and desire.

After all, wasn't Team USA doomed when we were put in the Group of Death?   Remember all of the pre-Cup talk about Team USA struggling against powerhouses like Germany, Portugal and Ghana?

How did that prediction work out?  Team USA played very well and came within seconds of eliminating Portugal on Sunday.

Sadly, the story of this Cup is not Team USA, the surprise performance of Team Costa Rica or some of those acrobatic goals.

The story of Cup 2014 is the "bite" that millions saw on TV: Luis Suarez of Uruguay biting a defenseman from Italy.

The "bite" got Suarez suspended and he will have to write a big check to FIFA as well.  (By the way, Suarez has been involved in these biting incidents before)

I think that Suarez should stop complaining about the penalty and act like a man rather than a spoiled pro athlete. Was he expecting to be sent home with a letter to his mom?

Suarez should apologize to his country, a nation with a rich tradition of "futbol."  Uruguay has won 3 Cup titles since the tournament began.They take their "futbol" seriously and deserve a player who respects rather than mocks the game.

Apologize first and then let's talk about the penalty.


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