Phil Robertson Says Oust Ungodly Politicians

“Duck Dynasty” patriarch Phil Robertson has never been one to mince words, and he’s not about to start now! Phil may wear camouflage gear and a ZZ Top beard that hides his face, but he certainly doesn’t cover up his feelings when it comes to his relationship with God, especially when preaching to a Southern choir.

Recently, Phil appeared at the “Rock the South” country music festival in Cullman, Alabama, where he took the occasion to address the problem of “ungodly” politicians in Washington DC.

Rocking the crowd himself, Robertson peppered his civic lesson with good old-fashioned religion. Phil told his listeners, “Whatever you do,  go register to vote, especially on this next presidential election. Register to vote and you ought to register for the House and the Senate, too.” 

Then Phil suggested that they “Get your tail down there and vote this ungodly bunch out of Washington, D.C.” to which the crowd responded with wild applause.

Unafraid, Phil even delved into the controversial comments he made to GQ magazine last year about homosexuality being “illogical” -- comments that, at the time, managed to cause quite a stir and get his show cancelled from A&E for a couple of days, merely for exercising his First Amendment rights. 

Here it is six months later, and Phil is openly sharing with a welcoming crowd in Alabama what his logic was when he said, “It seems like, to me, a vagina – as a man – would be more desirable than a man’s anus. That’s just me.” Robertson reiterated that he told GQ, “I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.”

A fearless evangelist at heart, explaining why he said what he said the unabashed Robertson told the “Rock the South” crowd, “I’m actually a nice man. I’m trying to help those poor souls and turn them to Jesus.”

So, following the A&E controversy, Phil Robertson is officially turning into an itinerant preacher. Since his homosexual logic comments he has been traveling all around, Bible in hand, using every opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, careful always to repeat the logic that got him in so much trouble last year. 

Unlike those “ungodly” politicians in Washington DC, who 2 Timothy 4:3-4 talks about tickling the ears of those who “turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths,” the plainspoken, straightforward Phil Robertson views the world through a lens known as the Word of God and is unafraid to show it.

Jeannie hosts a blog at

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