Dear President Obama: It's about leadership, not 'cheeseburgers"'

You can not make this up. However, the level of "political tone deafness" in this administration is striking.

We learned today that President Obama wants to get in touch with the American people by eating "junk food." According to The Washington Post:

"Has food - especially junk food - played as large a role in the messaging of any other presidential administration as it has in that of President Obama? 

Obama has long complained about feeling hemmed in by the presidency, and has made a habit lately of escaping the White House by walking down the street, skipping town and meeting with regular Americans who have written him letters or have some connection to an issue he plans to discuss. The common thread in almost all of these excursions? Food or drink. And nothing fancy.  

The latest adventure came Thursday, when Obama had a burger and fries at the Charcoal Pit in Wilmington, Del., with Tanei Benjamin, who wrote Obama last year about her struggles as a single mother. Why the Charcoal Pit?  

“Biden told me the burgers are pretty good,” Obama said. Biden is, of course, from Delaware."   

So the "political geniuses" at the White House are advising the President to go out and have a cheeseburger with John Doe?  Maybe he will relate better to John Doe by sharing a beer and onion rings?

Again, this is incredible.

Frankly, I don't care whether our president eats cheeseburgers or meat loaf prepared by a chef.   It matters little to me.  It does matter to me that we have a president who understands that John Doe is overtaxed, over regulated, concerned about our foreign policy and horrified that our borders don't mean anything anymore.

So here is a note to the political advisers: Fix the border because most of us don't really care what the president eats!  


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