Many Egyptians openly hope that Hamas is destroyed

There are a few good things coming out if the current turmoil in the Middle East. One of them is that at last sensible voices are being heard, here and there, in reaction to the crazies and haters that doomed Arabs for so many decades, distracting them from the urgent task of improving their own lives with the obsession over Jews occupying a small sliver of land in the territory they conquered centuries ago, taking it away from the Jews and Christians who had preceded them.

Egypt, which tasted and rejected Moslem Brotherhood rule, lives very close to the margin of starvation, sustained only by vast financial aid from Saudi Arabia. In Egypt, ruled by an anti-MB military regime under General Sisi, we are seeing prominent voices supporting the destruction of Hamas, uncluding the deputy editor of Al Ahram, the influential daily newspaper. Via The Elder of Ziyon:

There was a big stir in Arabic media over this Facebook post by Azza Sami, deputy editor of Egypt's'Al Ahram newspaper. It translates to:

Bless you Netanyahu, may Allah make a lot of people like you to destroy Hamas,the base of corruption, treachery and being an agent for the (Muslim) Brotherhood. By Allah, whoever tells me "forbidden (to say this)", I don't know what I'll do.

She later responded to critics:

I'd like to make my position clear. I did indeed make fun of Netanyahu that he threatened to finish Hamas off despite the fact that for years he hasn't been able to deal with it, and he even had to run to Mursi in order to have a ceasefire with (Hamas). The US administration praised Mursi for his success in this. As for Hamas and my accusation of it that it is treasonous: I believe I haven't said anything new. I made my position clear for the Palestinian people, that I didn't mean to call for striking Gaza. I haven't mentioned Gaza with even one word. My (Facebook) page is private and it doesn't express the newspaper's opinion.

The Gatestone Institute also reports on voices rising in Egypt against Hamas:

Palestinian Authority [PA] President Mahmoud Abbas telephoned Sisi and urged him to intervene to achieve an "immediate ceasefire" between Israel and Hamas. Abbas later admitted that his appeal to Sisi and (other Arab leaders) had fallen on deaf ears.

Sisi's decision not to intervene in the current crisis did not come as a surprise. In fact, Sisi and many Egyptians seem to be delighted that Hamas is being badly hurt.

Some Egyptians are even openly expressing hope that Israel will completely destroy Hamas, which they regard as the "armed branch of the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization."

Sisi's Egypt has not forgiven Hamas for its alliance with Muslim Brotherhood and its involvement in terrorist attacks against Egyptian civilians and soldiers over the past year.

The Egyptians today understand that Hamas and other radical Islamist groups pose a serious threat to their national security. That is why the Egyptian authorities have, over the past year, been taking tough security measures not only against Hamas, but also the entire population of the Gaza Strip. (snip)

The reaction of some Egyptians to the Israeli military operation has shocked Hamas and other Palestinians. As one Hamas spokesman noted: "It's disgraceful to see that some Egyptians are publicly supporting the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip while Westerners are expressing solidarity with the Palestinians and condemning Israel."

Addressing the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, Egyptian actor Amr Mustafa said that they should not expect any help from the Egyptians. "You must get rid of Hamas and we will help you," he said. He also called on Hamas to stop meddling in the internal affairs of Arab countries. "Pull your men out of Egypt, Syria and Libya," Mustafa demanded. "In Egypt, we are today fighting poverty that was caused by wars. We have enough of our own problems. Don't expect the Egyptians to give more than what they have already given. We've had enough of what you did to our country."

In response to Egyptian Defense Minister Sedki Sobhi's decision to dispatch 500 tons of food and medical aid to the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, the Egyptian newspaper El-Bashayer remarked: "The standard of living for a Gazan citizen is much higher than that of an Egyptian citizen. The poor in Egypt are more in need than the poor in the Gaza Strip. Let Qatar spend as much as it wants on the Gaza Strip. We should not send anything that Egyptians are in need of."

Famous Egyptian TV presenter and journalist Amr Adeeb has been told by many Egyptians to "shut up" after his criticism of Sisi's "silence" toward the war in the Gaza Strip.

One Egyptian reminded Adeeb that "Hamas is responsible for the killing of Egyptian soldiers."

Egyptian ex-general Hamdi Bakhit was quoted as expressing hope that Israel would re-occupy the Gaza Strip. "This would be better than the Hamas rule," he said.

Egyptian TV presenter Amany al-Khayat launched a scathing attack on Hamas.

She pointed out that Hamas agreed to the reconciliation pact with Fatah only in order to get salaries for its employees in the Gaza Strip.

Al-Khayat said that Hamas was seeking to depict itself as a victim of an Israeli attack only in order to get the Egyptian authorities to reopen the Rafah border crossing with the Gaza Strip. "They just want us to open the Rafah border crossing," she said on her show. "Hamas is prepared to make all the residents of the Gaza Strip pay a heavy price in order to rid itself of its crisis. We must not forget that Hamas is the armed branch of the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist movement."

Hat tip: Clarice Feldman

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